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Global Skills 育成演習の一環として、以下4名の学生が海外インターンシップ(オプション)を行いました。海外研究室での共同研究を通じて、学際的に研究を発展させる能力や実践的なコミュニケーションスキルを磨いてきました。以下、参加学生からの報告です。

3期生 孫 欣(生命機能研究科博士課程3年)
研修先:Albert Einstein College of Medicine(アメリカ)
期 間:平成28年8月14日~平成28年10月15日
目 的:mIL-6 stem loop design and image analysis 
感 想:
 During the period of time between 14th August and 15th, October, I did my optional internship in Dr. Singer's lab, where locates in Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Dr. Robert H Singer's research mainly focused on studying single mRNA molecules from cradle to grave and seeking to understand the expression and movement of mRNA from transcription through degradation and the effect that defects in these processes have on health.
 During the past two months, basically, I was concentrated on the design of RNA stem loop structure and learning image processing techniques. The design of RNA stem loop is a key point for MS2-MCP system, which pioneered by Dr. Robert H. Singe has been applied to track mRNA dynamic in living cell. This powerful imaging system will be incorporated into my current project to delineate dynamic mechanism underlying Regnase-1 and its target cytokine mRNA in a single cell.
 My internship with Singer lab has been a rewarding and inspiring experience. The skills I acquired helped me to become more acquainted with mRNA degradation and pointed a new direction for my research career.

Daily supervisor(左)、Singer教授(右)と

3期生 胡 留影(生命機能研究科博士課程3年)
研修先:Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine(ドイツ)
期 間:平成28年8月27日~平成28年9月26日
目 的:Investigate the localization of CD44 expressing cells in ATs in perivascular region
感 想:
 I am trying to find out the perivascular niche for tissue-resident endothelial stem/progenitor cells (ESCs/EPCs) in
mouse adipose tissue. So, basically, an efficient way to visualize the localization of ESCs/EPCs and their relating cells are required. In Dr. Adams laboratory, they have superior equipment for imaging, such as high-resolution confocal microscopy, multi-photon microscopy, abundant transgenic mice administration system etc. Also, in Max Planck Institute (MPI), there are professional techniques taking in charge of that equipment, which makes it easier and faster to acquire adequate results. Besides equipment and supplies, Dr. Adams' group is one of the top groups on angiogenesis study. The publications from Dr. Adams lab are in high quality, such as papers in Nature and Science. Researchers from worldwide gather together for the same research purpose. You can find Europeans, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and also American there. During my stay, I have got several advices and supports from them, from experiment design to results analysis. Some ideas have broadened my horizon. I usually felt that I have never thought about doing such kind of experiment on this direction. Their ideas inspired me a lot.
 After this internship, I will use the techniques I have learned in MPI to continue my study. Also, reading more publications from Dr. Adams laboratory to see what other scientists are thinking and focusing on and try to find out useful information for my own study.
Daily supervisor(左)と

2期生 明珎裕之(工学研究科博士後期課程2年)
研修先:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor(アメリカ)
期 間:平成28年10月20日~平成28年12月19日
目 的:ミオグロビンを触媒として用いたスチレンのシクロプロパン化反応の機構解明
感 想:


2期編入生 Rathina Kumar Shanmuga Kani(医学系研究科博士課程2年)
研修先:Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University(タイ)
期 間:平成29年1月15日~平成29年2月16日
目 的:Prospective Surveillance of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae by a Newly Developed Single-strand Tag Hybridization Printed Array Strip (STH-PAS) Technique
感 想:
 I went to Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand for the IPBS Internship Abroad program during 15th Jan - 16th Feb 2017. I evaluated the efficiency of our new detection technique in a clinical laboratory at Ramathibodi Hospital. As our new technique has been designed for direct application in clinical specimens, it was a very good opportunity provided by IPBS to work in the clinical laboratory. Even though I have a theoretical knowledge about the clinical laboratory testing, it was really mind bowing to work in person. I learnt well about the procedures involved in the diagnosis of any infectious diseases, which includes specimen collection from patients, sample processing, diagnostic tests, result interpretation and providing the details of examination in the prescribed format to clinicians. I also understand the nature of working atmosphere in a clinical laboratory. I assessed the efficiency of our technique directly on the clinical samples and got fruitful results. If I am about to work in a clinical laboratory after my graduation, the experience that I gained during this internship will be very helpful. I thank IPBS for availing this opportunity through the internship.


Rathina Kumar Shanmuga Kaniさんは「APSIC 2017(第8回アジア太平洋感染制御国際学会)」にてベストアブストラクト賞を受賞しました。詳細はこちらよりご覧ください。